4th Bangkok Workshop on Discrete Geometry, Dynamics and Statistics

From Monday 6th January 2020  
To Friday 10th January 2020  
Location Chulalongkorn University  

ORGANIZERS: Yuki SATO (Nagoya U), Luca LIONNI (Radboud U Nijmegen), Oleg EVNIN (Chula U & Solvay Inst Brussels), Thiparat CHOTIBUT (Chula U), Auttakit CHATRABHUTI (Chula U).

INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Benoit COLLINS (U Kyoto), Leticia CUGLIANDOLO (LPTHE, Paris), Peter FORRESTER (U Melbourne), Eytan KATZAV (Hebrew U Jerusalem), Pierre NOLIN (City U Hong Kong), Stéphane OUVRY (LPTMS, U Paris-Sud), Naoki SASAKURA (Yukawa Inst, Kyoto), Robert ZIFF (U Michigan).


The workshop will focus on mathematical physics of discrete systems, and in particular its applications to random geometries. Real-life motivations for such studies range from attempts to quantize gravity to problems in condensed matter physics to mathematical modelling of cooperative phenomena in macroscopic communities. Some concrete directions include:
1) Discrete random geometries with applications to gravity quantization,
2) Discrete mathematical models in equilibrium and and non-equilibrium statistical physics (the Ising model and its relatives, percolation, lattice gases, etc),
3) Random matrix and tensor models,
4) Random graphs and dynamics of complex networks,
5) Topics in lattice gauge theory (especially with emphasis on analytic approaches),
6) Conformal field theories (especially with connections to the above subjects),
7) Discrete dynamics (cellular automata, spin chains, etc).

The talks are expected to be informal and interactive, with a substantial pedagogical component.